Love My Family, But...

Dec 21, 2024


It’s a blessing to have family, especially during the holidays. Instead of being alone, you get to spend time with people you know deeply—sometimes a little too deeply.

Growing up in the U.S. while my parents were in Iran, I experienced many Thanksgivings and holidays on my own. Even when I was invited to friends’ homes, it often felt lonelier being with close-knit families where I didn't feel like I fully belonged. I felt like an outsider.

What I frequently hear from my clients is that spending time with family often triggers old emotions. Some notice reverting back to their childhood behaviors or roles when they are around parents or siblings. This dynamic can create a love-hate relationship with family gatherings and the holidays.

You might think it’s strange, but I believe the uncomfortable feelings and triggers we experience around others—especially family—are gifts. They’re opportunities to understand, process, and overcome the emotional blocks that weigh us down.

Instead of internalizing and blaming yourself or externalizing and blaming others, try labeling the emotions that arise when you’re triggered. Write them down and reflect: where else, how often, and with whom do these feelings surface? When you take the time to process these emotions, the triggers lose their power and eventually fade away.

To help you process your emotions, you can go to the Guided Breathwork & Meditations Mini Course. Within the "Healing Meditations" section, try the ABC Meditation to process these emotional triggers.

You can access it here:

If you don’t already have access, visit this link to get a password:

Wishing you a joyful holiday season. Sending hugs your way—remember, everything in life is a lesson.

There are no regrets in life, only lessons.




Wishing you a happy holiday season filled with love, meaningful connections, and joy!

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